Submit & Advertise

Submit a Tool

Submit your AI tools, get traffic on BigSpy AI

    Frequently Asked Questions – Submit AI

    It costs $66 to list a tool. This is a one-time payment and once complete your tool will be listed forever.

    After successful submission and payment, we will list them within 24 – 48 hours and add Features based on time planning.

    No, your listing will never expire. Once the tool is published on our directory it will remain there indefinitely.

    We manually review every tool submitted. If your tool is not approved for any reason, you will receive a full refund. Common reasons for a tool not being approved may be that the tool does not use artificial intelligence or is too explicit with adult content. Please be sure to include your tool URL when paying the one-time listing fee.

    You can find your tool submission history in the User Center.

    No, we cannot guarantee that listing your AI tool on BigSpy AI will give you sales or traffic. Based on our traffic stats, it is likely that you will receive some clicks to your tool/website. As our website grows, so does your chance for exposure!

    We guarantee a full, automatic refund if your AI doesn’t get published, as it sometimes happens due to our editorial policy. We also refund Featured/sponsorships provided they haven’t started yet.

    If you have any questions, Please contact us by email:

    Guest posts / link insert on BigSpy AI

    Get dofollow links | Traffic forever | Article permalink | SEO benefits

    Service Description:
    – Each standard post includes 1 article and 2 dofollow links for a price of $66 per order.

    Additional Purchase Options:
    – You can purchase additional credits to add 1 dofollow link for an extra $33 per link.

    Submit article

    Requires SEO standard articles, if you do not have a ready structure, you can refer to and write according to the following structure.

    SEO Article Writing Requirements (Sample structure)

    Main Keyword:

    SEO Title
    – Requirement: An attractive title containing the main keyword and a maximum length of 60 characters.

    Article Title (H1)
    – Requirement: A catchy H1 title that differs from the SEO title and contains the main keyword.

    – Requirement: A description with a maximum of 160 characters containing the main keyword.

    – Requirement: Use 5 H2 headings, each containing the main keyword. The H2 headings include:
    – Product Information
    – Features
    – Use Cases

    – Introduction (Sapo): Must contain the main keyword and related keywords.
    – Article Length: Minimum of 1500 characters.
    – Tone: Write in a natural, friendly, and youthful tone. Use the pronouns “I” and “you.”
    – Keyword Density: Approximately 1 – 1,5% relative to the total word count.
    – Clear Structure: Use appropriate heading tags (H2, H3).
    – Frequently Asked Questions: Include a FAQ section to meet readers’ informational needs.
    – Conclusion: Summarize to enhance narrative and engage readers.
    – Bold Keywords: Use bold tags for important keywords and sections.
    – Readable Formatting: Break lines after every two punctuation marks for easier reading.

    Additional Information
    – The article should highlight the benefits of the subject, providing information on related keywords based on relevant scientific research.

    Make the payment directly via PayPal to our accountant: After that, please send the completed article to the email address: (including a screenshot of the payment invoice). Once we receive your invoice and article, Our content review team will process and publish it within 24 – 48 hours.

    For the success of our customers,
    BigSpy AI

    Frequently Asked Questions – Guest Post / Link Insert

    Please be careful not to provide content that does not comply with AI or overly exposed adult content in Guest Post, otherwise our review team will refuse to publish and automatically restore your Credit.

    With Guest Post or Link Insert, you can get dofollow links and corresponding traffic, and we try to get Post or Article included in Google, so that you can get the benefits of SEO and professional articles on AI at the same time.

    If you have any questions, please contact us via email:

    Update a Tool

    Update your tool’s information


      The cost of updating a tool is $33. This is a one-time payment. Once completed, your tool will be updated within 48 hours.

      Please fill in the required information on the form and proceed with the payment. Once we receive all your information and invoice, our team will check and update within 24 to 48 hours.

      If you have any questions, please contact us via email: